Partner with the Poisons Information Centre by providing product information or financial assistance.
We are extremely grateful for significant financial contributions we have received from a number of sources. It is not possible to recognise all of them publicly.
Since January 2014, the Western Cape Department of Health has supported the salaries of our full staff complement. Prior to this, funds from private donors were used to pay the salaries of two staff members.
Funds to support the initial development of AfriTox into a web-based system were raised by the Children's Hospital Trust through the Guardians Fund and other fundraising projects and the initial development work was undertaken by EOH Microsoft Coastal at a reduced rate as a philanthropic gesture.
As the prevention of poisoning, especially in children, is important to us, we partner with Childsafe. Childsafe is a campaign of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Southern Africa (CAPFSA) and Safe Kids Worldwide, which promotes optimal health and development of all children in South Africa. Childsafe aims to reduce and prevent intentional and unintentional injuries, including poisoning, through research, education, environmental change and recommendations for legislation, see:
Many manufacturers actively partner with us by ensuring that we have up to date details of their products on a regular basis. We would really like all companies to partner with us in this way.
Retailers and manufacturers of those cosmetics, cleaning and automotive products typically found in the home or garage, need to ensure their product details are on AfriTox. This makes it possible for doctors to assess how toxic a product is, and to advise or treat adults and children who have accidentally or intentionally been exposed to them. It is crucial that this information be updated regularly. We keep any sensitive information confidential.

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